Putting Our Heads Together

Darien Aviso and Mike Greene

“Last weekend, I ran out of my 70-hour clock in Minonk, IL (30 miles away from the Hudson terminal). I wanted to give a shout out to two people who used their experience and ingenuity to get my load delivered on time and saved added expense. Those two people are Mike Greene and Darien Aviso.

The plan was, I would stop in Minonk and have an Uber bring me to the Hudson terminal. I informed Mike Greene, another driver doing Rivian loads with me that day, of my plan. Mike has dispatch experience in his past and asked, “Isn’t there a driver at the terminal that can bobtail to get you?”

I asked Darien, and that’s when he went to work. Darien found out there was a driver bobtailing from Wisconsin to pick up a load in Hudson. He happened to be driving right by my exit at the time, and Darien got him turned around and to me in 10 minutes max. We took my trailer to Rivian, the load was on time, he took me to the terminal so I could go home, picked up his load, and in the end no added Uber costs were paid. It worked out perfectly.

I wanted to give a shout out to these two for helping get a plan together and making it happen efficiently for myself and Nussbaum. Great job!” – Michael Smith

Want to nominate someone at Nussbaum for an “Own It” Moment? Send your story to esop@nussbaum.com.



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