Welcome to the LoseIt Program! If you are a first-time user, follow the instructions below to create your account. If you are already enrolled in the MoveIt program, sign-in to your MoveIt account and skip down to the section titled “Join from Your MoveIt Account.”
Creating an Account
1. Visit moveit.my.nussbaum.com and select “Join LoseIt.”

2. On the next page, scroll to the bottom and enter your account information. Click “Register.”

3. When you click “register,” the screen may go dark. If this happens, simply tap the screen on a mobile device / tablet or refresh the page if using desktop. Once the page reloads, click “Agree and Sign-Up.”

Join from Your MoveIt Account
1. Sign in to your MoveIt account and navigate to the Dashboard. Above your step counter, click the green “Join LoseIt” button.

2. On the next page, scroll to the bottom and click “Agree & Sign-Up.”

3. When you click “Agree and Sign-Up,” you will be returned to the MoveIt dashboard page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view your new LoseIt dashboard.
Connect Your Wireless Scale
1. To participate in LOSEit, you must use a wireless digital scale that connects with your smartphone. If you are a new LOSEit participant, Nussbaum will provide a Renpho Wireless Scale from Amazon at no charge. Please click HERE to claim your free scale. If you prefer to use a different scale, you will need to supply it.
2. The scale comes with instructions on how to connect it with your smartphone. Follow the instructions in the box and download the scale’s companion app to your phone. Once they are connected, the app will record your weight when you step on the scale.
3. To upload your weight to the LOSEit system, you must screenshot your weigh-ins from your smartphone app. On most devices, a screenshot is made by pressing two buttons simultaneously (power/volume or power/home). The screenshot is saved to your device’s photo library.
Upload Your Screenshots to LOSEit
1. Login to your LOSEit account and navigate to the Dashboard. To begin, type in your starting weight and then click “choose file” to select the corresponding screenshot from your phone’s photo library.

2. Each month, enter your weight and accompanying screenshots in the same manner to track your progress. You may report as frequently as you like; the lowest weight entered will be used to calculate your points. Remember, you gain 1 point for every pound lost and 1 point for maintaining your current weight. If you do not upload any weigh-ins during a calendar month, you will not receive any points for that month.
If you have questions or need help setting up your account, please email wellness@nussbaum.com and one of our representatives will connect with you.