Driver Apprecation Week // Family


Family and Friends

We provided your loved ones with an opportunity to express their appreciation for you. However, as a company, we have a bias towards our drivers, who we consider part of our family. Therefore, we have summarized how family, both in and outside of Nussbaum, views you.

As Wanda Hope Carter once said, “Family and friends are hidden treasures; seek them and enjoy their riches.” As a hidden treasure, we believe that you are worthy of pursuit. The fruit of your labor can be seen in your character of integrity. You do the right thing when no one is watching. You drive safely, protecting those around you. You are selfless, giving up your time for the greater good. You provide the country with its needed goods, rain or shine. You are worth your weight in gold, and we feel blessed to enjoy the riches you provide us all.

What Family Means

Lisa Tweed once said, “Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. it means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” We want to express our gratitude for you calling Nussbaum your home. You are an integral part of our culture and contribute to creating something truly wonderful every day. You are loved, prayed for, and very appreciated.


Happy Driver Appreciation Week to our Nussbaum Family!  



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