Making a Difference
Jason Cliff has been making a difference around Nussbaum. We are happy to have him!
Safety Goes Above and Beyond
Klay Nafzinger goes above and beyond to take care of fellow employees in the thick of the ice storm.
Digging out a friend
Lola remembered when she was a new driver and was offered help. She wanted to pay it forward.
Highway Chivalry
Don is always aware of his surroundings and goes the extra mile to help all those around him. We are very thankful to Don for representing Nussbaum Transportation as an Employee Owner.
Let’s Ride!
We wanted to give a quick shout-out to Eddie Labar. He was kind enough to provide Ivo Kosc a ride in one...
Windstorm Help
Last week, Adrienne (one of our drivers) went to pick up a loaded trailer and found it damaged from a windstorm.