Introducing the Benevolence Committee
We believe that God owns this business. Everything that we have is His, and we are just stewards of it for a season.
See You At The Pole // Sept 28th
For a few years, we've been encouraged to gather at our flag pole to pray for our children, friends, family, faculty, and the overall education of our youth to God. We want to support this Global Day of Prayer. Join us for See You At The Pole.
Purpose Driven // Consider it Done
Let’s be purpose-driven so that when others depend on us, they can “consider it done.”
Purpose Driven // Fly High Gus Gus
"Be thankful for your blessings and never doubt your struggles. Don't ask why it happened, just be thankful for the strength it gave you."
Purpose Driven // Finding Relevance
How do you find meaning in your work? Does your job make a difference to someone else?
Purpose Driven // Finding Joy in the Everyday
Emma Zimmerman reflects on finding joy in the everyday.
May Gratefulness Challenge by Jim Revelle
How would you like to build a habit (i.e., a character trait) that would increase your enthusiasm, enhance self-confidence, help you to live generously, and increase your enjoyment of life? Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it?
So, what is this “magic” character trait? It’s pretty simple.
A Visit to the White House
CEO Brent Nussbaum recently attended an event at the White House, by special invitation. At the last minute, he was asked if he wanted to sit in the front row.
Timely Transparent Communication
The decision-making process can be difficult. We need to realize our decisions affect those around us. What steps should we take when making decisions?
Being Child-Like Without Being Childish
There are a lot of good characteristics of children to think about that can help us in our daily interactions with others. How can we work to be child-like, not childish, each day?