Respect for the American Truck Driver
COO Doug Bradle recently went on a family vacation. He shares how his appreciation for truck drivers has grown even more yet again.
Tour of the ’22 Freightliner Cascadia
Nussbaum Driver Chris Larsen created a YouTube video tour and overview of the new 2022 Freightliner Cascadia at Nussbaum.
TOP 25 // Clean Trailer Sweepstakes
Get involved in the Clean Trailer Sweepstakes at Nussbaum this summer going on until August 31. The top 25 drivers with the most clean trailers will be awarded a cash prize based on ranking.
Throwback to Nussbaum’s Old Office
Check out this Nussbaum "gold" from the old office. Can you recognize these faces from back in the day?
How ‘Bout Them Apples?
Are you participating in the Clean Trailer Sweepstakes? At least not all trailers are as dirty as this one was.
Happy Independence Day!
Enjoy the holiday weekend wherever you are. Shop/Office staffing schedules are found here!
Fleet Manager Position Update
Operations Manager Brent Martin gives an update on the change of the Fleet Manager position in Operations.
Can I Be Content with What I Have? // Bill Wettstein,...
CFO Bill Wettstein sends an encouragement and challenge on something many of us struggle with - being content.
Announcing the Clean Trailer Sweepstakes
Dirty trailers. Ugh. We've got a plan to boost morale (and your earnings) while handling the chronic frustration of dirty trailers.
Winners Announced for Scavenger Hunt
By completing the RED Scavenger Hunt, these 10 Nussbaum employees have won exciting prizes! Check out our highlight reel of submissions here.