A Driver in Uniform

Celebrating Faith & Family

Driver Randy Woodkirk had just finished unloading in Ankeny, IA, last week and headed across the street to a Casey’s to get some coffee. While Randy was paying for his purchase, a woman came in with tears, and seeing the Celebrating Faith & Family on the back of his jacket; she asked him if he was a Christian. He replied yes.

She shared that her son, an over-the-road truck driver, had been approached by a man seeking money at a Colorado truck stop that morning. Her son refused the man, and he pulled a gun and shot him. She shared he was still alive but didn’t know his condition and had stopped to get gas on her way to Colorado. She asked Randy if he would pray for her and her son, and Randy suggested they do that right now. They found a nearby table, and Randy prayed for their family. Randy shared that she was surprised that he was willing to stop and pray for them at that moment.

Randy said that you never know what God has in mind for us on any given day, but he was humbled and moved that he had been given that opportunity.




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