The Unexpected Career: Stories from CDL School // Terminal Exchange Ep. 128


They come from every background. We’ve had doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, high-schoolers, retirees—all looking for a new opportunity. For some, it’s the chance to become financially independent and get a fresh start at life. Every story is unique, but they all converge at the Nussbaum Trucking Academy at Heartland Community College!

In today’s exchange, you’ll learn what it takes to earn your CDL and become a Professional Driver. Brendon, Jeff, and Jared give us an overview of CDL school from start to finish: class schedules, behind-the-wheel training, and tips for success. Plus, how the Academy got started, preparation for the driving lifestyle, and some of the interesting students we’ve trained over the years!

Believe us when we say, it’s never too late for an unexpected career.

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