2024 Year-In-Review Part 3 // What Did You Learn This Year?

What did you learn this year?

Part three of this series:

What did you learn this year?

Joseph Anderson: Never underestimate the value of rock-paper-scissors skills. In our first year of parenthood, I have deftly avoided changing many a’ diaper simply by outplaying my wife.

Chris Aranda: I’ve learned to trust in stressful times. Work hard to influence what you can, but the results are God’s.

Neil Barbour: I’m better off when I learn new technologies than trying to stubbornly live without them.

Jessi Blunier: A 15-minute walk outside does wonders in a lot of areas of life… exercise, free time to let your mind wander without having anything to distract it, enjoy nature, talk to God, a way to unwind if it’s been a stressful day…

Addison Bohler: This year taught me that life rarely goes as planned, but I’ve learned to adapt. We weren’t expecting another child so soon, and having two under two will be challenging. However, we’re strong, and I’m thrilled to watch our children grow up together.

Doug Bradle: Just how stressful it can be trying to navigate an international airport with 6 children under 12. Probably won’t attempt that again in the near future.

Lisa Burton: That I can continue to look at things from different angles and work to ‘think out of the box’ to make something better even if it is working well. Sometimes, the little things can have the biggest impact.

CJ Conger: I took a page from our Scorecard we do for the drivers and worked on my own fuel-efficiency for my personal driving and gained 5+ mpg on average. That’s around $200 in savings over the whole year for me!

Jackie Derrick: That self-discovery doesn’t only bless me, but those that I come in contact with.

Tyler Dietrich: Personal: How to milk a cow by hand; wow—it’s a lot harder than you think. Nussbaum: How to find brokered loads; wow—it’s a lot harder than you think.

Derek Dotterer: This year I learned that it’s good to be flexible. Sometimes things happen and you just have to find a way to move forward.

Kevin Funk: I feel more and more thankful for my Performance Team! I learn a lot from them and just have an overall appreciation of how much we help each other out to reach our goals.

Ed Gabriel: This year I learned that it’s okay to slow down and remember I can’t do everything all the time.

Caleb Gee: All glory goes to God! If you are trying to change your own behavior without Him, good luck! The Bible talks about God changing our hearts in multiple places (Ezekiel 36:26-27, Ezekiel 11:19, Jeremiah 24:7, Jeremiah 32:39, Deuteronomy 30:6, 2 Corinthians 3:3). Often, we get so focused on behavior modification that we then focus more on the behaviors rather than Him. This can lead to failing in that and leading to self-deprecation (all about us) or maybe some wins in certain areas leading to pride (all about us). Our role is to repent and follow Him, essentially getting out of His way (Ecclesiastes 12:13) so that He can do the work. The very ability for us to choose to repent is only made possible by Him (1 John 4:7-21). HalleluYah!

Wyatt Gerber: I learned to think outside of the box and look at things from a different perspective.

Gabriel Gonzalez: I learned to be more patient than last year. Most days on the road, my patience gets tested. The more situations that require patience, the stronger and more patient I become.

Eric Hartter: Team leadership, home ownership, fatherhood

Kelly Hayslett: That the CACs are the best football poolers in the company! (I probably just jinxed us for the rest of the year!)

Scott Herrmann: Still trying to learn how to think of others needs and not just my own. I loved learning about the concept of unreasonable hospitality at a conference, and am looking forward to doing the generous kids book bundle with our family this coming year.

Maya Hodel: This past year in January, I heard the Lord say, “I will refine you.” Refinement was my word for 2024 and I wasn’t sure what that would look like. Refinement is kind of a scary word! As this year continued on, I’ve had many things change—I got a new job as Fleet Planner, I found out I was pregnant this summer, and on top of that that we’d have to move and remodel the new house and sell one we’ve grown comfortable in all during the end of my pregnancy into when I have the baby. It’s been overwhelming, but it’s been a blessing just the same. I already knew that God is in control, but He’s been teaching me that it’s okay to give my frustrations and problems to him and let go. Often I try to control what I can in fear that people will fail me. God has shown me graciously that my control is an illusion and that ultimately, He’s got me and knows the desires of my heart far more than even I do. He works everything out for good for those who love him. That’s a promise I cling to and am so thankful for the ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus.

Michelle Hoerner: You’re never too old to make a new start.

Joy Kinsinger: That Nussbaum is a great company to work for!

Ryan Mara: How to tie a man-bun.

Brent Martin: I learned that having two kids that can drive now really simplifies logistics at home!

Jake Miller: I learned how to be better at not being afraid of being wrong.

Klay Nafziger: There are really hard moments and stretches in life. You’ve got to keep going, keep the faith, and things will work out in the end.

Tianne Overmyer: God can take so much better care of my kids and grandchildren than I can. I need to just trust Him. It’s a constant work in progress!

Bill Parker: I need to reduce my spending and increase my earnings because raising kids is very very expensive.

Toby Plattner: It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

Shawn Reischauer: I learned so many things this year, but I believe a big one is resilience and endurance. This was a year of some great achievements, but also some great letdowns. I had a lot of major things I was anticipating and working towards, but didn’t end up working out the way I had hoped. It taught me to really focus on the main goal and to be flexible when the path getting there isn’t what was expected. Allow the time and space to grieve when grieving, allow the time and space to celebrate when celebrating, and keep your eyes fixed on the Lord in both and every state in between.

Dayton Rumbold: Failure means you are trying to do something. Put yourself out there, trust in God, and do something. 😊

Chris Smith: Do what is expected of you first, and you will have time for all the other stuff you can find to be helpful when it’s not expected!

Thad Steffen: Everyone is made unique. We’ve all had challenges, and we all have a story to tell.

Heather Warnick: I learned this year that I CAN DO IT! In some of the most difficult places, I learned I can do it. The confidence in myself has grown so much and I am truly proud of myself and my growth.

Bill Wettstein: In 2025, I continued to learn how powerful the ministry of presence is and how we have a choice to choose our attitude each day… and it is critical to choose an attitude of gratitude!

Lena Zimmerman: Finding the good out of a tough situation. It’s so easy to dwell on the negative, but there is almost always something good you can find.



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